Monday, April 30, 2007 expected i did realli realli bad for todays paper...i noe i do dam bad...i onli noe tt today got EL paper 2...i tot onli got paper 1...shet?Then i was like sian...During Exam im nli like thinkin bout games....Shet la...Im freakin dead...After sku was like go SIngapost eat macdonalds....I at Mcflurry...( counted as cookies n cream ice cream oso rite?lol)
Then Lynus come my house...We played some games...Kinda fun ba...Tommoro is labour day...Happy labur day guys...^^
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Ok i just came back from ParkWay Parade....Hais....Monday exam...N wtf m i doin?Playin computer games...goin out...sian freakin dead...i just cant stop myself from...FUN?
So i discovered something veri important....I HAD DISCOVERED!....
I had eaten like 14 scoops of cookies n cream ice cream for de past 2 weeks?
I ate 4 scoops from the tub of cookies n cream my cousin bought home...
2 scoops on my second trip to seoul gardens...(first trip no cookies n cream)
6 scoops on third trip...
Today i ate like 2 scoops?(Marine Parade Scoopz)
Ok....So im like sian i eat so many ice cream...ok nvm....Then my mother is like dam good this few days since she came back from Taiwan...
1.She gav me like 50 dollars everytime i go out?( like 3 times go seoul liao...then....marine parade...lor...)
2.I ask her if can buy jersey she say anything...
3.She doesnt nag when i uses the com...
4.Wad de hell just feels like shes bttr...
So...IM freakin dead?I nvr study for SA...sian im gonna dissapoint her liao...shet!...Zzz
Friday, April 27, 2007
Lol today was fun!....After sku go eat Seoul Gardens AgAIN?3 times in a till sian...But we played some dam nice games...
While eating i suggested we play Dare...Without the Truth...So i was liek sian wat to do...then i ask them take 10 ents from the anyone in the we played zhong ji mi ma...(er magic number?lol)Then i was like dam scared in the end my frens tio the he use 3 minutes take the 10 cent the nxt loser do 5 push up in the public then count dam another one is my fren go in front of the auntie say hi im the auntie was liek wa he siao the auntie is old auntie...then they all sab me la...make me lose...then i do 5 push up in public oso...dam fun...So was like 3 to 7 at there...4 record...
After tt go shop...then take taxi ride 38 minutes sia...from suntec to my house...$19.80?WORLD RECORD!wad de hell sian...yay nxt week i will hav my jersey liao...hi five...!
Thursday, April 26, 2007

<----lol..cute rite^^
YAY i found my voodoodoll on the my classroom not bad...PE stay inside hall again...Then maths...Then YAY suddenly got sudden band performance for the principals china was like yay after music can go liao NO ...ENGLISH!wooohooo
Then some F***** took my flexible curve today buy de make me kanna scolded by teacher tt A****** bttr die sia...
Lol tt bastard did not come for band today...maybe he too ashame loser...Then band performing tt time i was dreaming lol...Play till halfway nvr play le...
After sku play soccer Mark n I was liek seeing hu score more goals...Cox we were playin against sec 1s so he won la...he scored 4 i scored 3...EEE YER?
Then play basketball...Then n the way home we had some lame video taken i post on youtube le i tell u all URL...bye bye!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
lol nothin to do so i was like tryin to play sunrise n safari n with heart n voice parts on my piano...mark n lucas part quite hard sia...i always rush my bar 7 is dam easy using nothin to do lol i go try sme other songs now...o ya hanover is oso quite easy but fingering everytime wrong...
zzz today dam sian...Cannot find tt bastard to settle things...sian was like cannot do anything la...
First 3 periods tok tok tok slp slp slp...laugh laugh laugh...Then DNT tok tok tok tok tok tok...Then was like wonderin wad to do so i asked my fren...Wuld u rather die by jumping down a building or getting hit by a car...surprisingly most of them chose the building...i was the onli wan tt chose the car...hais...Then we kept askin each other lame ques...nothin to do la...
Then double English...askin around hu wan go out after sku...but today dam sian...COX FIRST TIME I AFTER SKU NO BAND N NEVER GO OUT WIF FRENS!WTF?!My frens all late for sports dae...then nid attend some detention...So was dam sian...1.20 walk home wif shervin n jervin n nick wu...then while taking bus dam sian like different while walking home...then slack till now want do homework but oso quite sian...wad shld i do sia...
Neway I LOST MY NINJA VOODOO DOLLL!!!!!!!!!!NOoooooo0000000 i will miss u.... : (
BUT....i finally got Fredys blog link lol...xD!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
zzz today gt another detention becox nvr bring MATHS TEXTBOOK...ZZZ?ok den dam sian in detention class took a look at my hp...6 miss calls 3 msg...
ok all those calls n msgs(except 1 were crap...)
Ok this is dam sad...Theres one idiot in percussion section tt backstabbed Fredy....He told some sku Wad Fredy told us to do for SYF n wad he said after the SYF!WTF?...That person sux...seriously...N i noe hu u are...u idiot...
Wad happened next was even sad...i wad trying to comfirm wif Fredy tt if im the person tt backstabbed him or not...He replied n said it was not me...BUT....his not gonna teach us anymore...?this is crap....some idiot backstabbed him n make our hole section die...Noob PSLE score idiot...NOOB SHET!....f***** go rot in helll...kanna expelled from sku la...hope huever riting his report rite some noob things about him get him out of our sku la..zzzz
Must get Fredy back sia...No garrett no Fredy...we die le lor...perc section die becox of some idiot...A** ****...TODAY SUX!
Monday, April 23, 2007
lol today was fun...=.=
today sku starting 2 lessons got back CA results were like SHET!My oral got 0...COX NVR GO FOR ORAL...but test papers sure pull my results up de...
Then RME do mothers day work...last minute work la DUH?Then get some colour papers to paste then put my OWN WRITTEN POEM(not copy from internet de hor!)on top...its dam bloody.....NICE
Then assembly today was quite some drama ppl come our sku not bad...
After sku we go eat seoul gardens....So we go jubilee but in the end renovating to some other shop.So we take taxi AGAIn to marina square...then i was liek dam bloody broke!So lynus help me pay for seoul gardens first so now i owe him like...17.50?shet nid dam long to return...hav to rmbr hu owe me money liao!Then was eating...while eating kinda fun...we all crack eggs into the soup...then i spilled the egg into the frying pan...=.=pan or wadever la...dam fun...oso pour coke into the chicken...So after few hours we were like quite full den we went to take dessert...lynus....took crush ice...then throw it around la...lucky no one was there onli me eugene n lynus...too bad jonathan n darrell gone...xD...Wa den i tio cut by ice on my face...pain pain...then we played some games loser sit on a chair full of ice...I NVR LOSE AT ALL!wa they dam noob...but in the end kanna trick to sit on the chair...Then wan leave liao the auntie come...tok to us...lynus look at her lol...he say wad...sister we clean up la u no nid clean sorri ar SISTER...WTF?sister my god sia...=.=bloody hell den go shop la...den was like today was like dam FUN!WOOOOOO SKU ROX(w/o some certain teachers...yes u MRS ***)
Saturday, April 21, 2007
hais today nothin to i post ytd...
Ytd sku gt some sports day shit...we 10 oclock can go home liaoxz.Then Art Teacher come...He freaking ask me n 2 other band members why nvr hand in art workl so i tell him tt day gt SYF so we nvr come sku...So we want to hand in today...Guess wad he said..."Don giv me so many excuses..."Then i was like WTF?Then he say im gonna fail all of u...tehn giv us liek 12 marks upon 100 la...kao...he suck!he oso say wan kick me out of sku becox he don like ppl hu hate art in his sku....siao i nvr do my art liek tt...No point shwing u my last shirt template liao...throw away le...
Then gt band...Cox nid to perform...Then go Hougang Stadium lor...Dam tired sia...After band we go j8....But be4 tt we went to play soccer...not bad la...still own...but lose...own but
Then go j8 play arcade for like 3hours i think...siao de then 11.30 reach home...My cousin got Sims 2 so we download n play then sians ia cre8 sims oso took like half an hur then 2.30 cannot stand it liao go slp hais...
Thursday, April 19, 2007
tHen lessons quite slack...first 2 period PE then LIT( listen interesting stories nia...)then 2 chinese(can sleep n tok like siao....)Then IT(no nid explain...) THEN ENGLISH!NO TEAChER WAHAHAHHAHA!Then releave teacher say n teacher releave our class so can go early...xD today ttally rox...So we go play basketball play like 1 hr then i go band...Then sadly my frens still nid go class study rehearsing for sports day now...which is tommoro la...Then Lucas n NIck Soo tio scolded like mad...Heng i nvr play snare...
after band finish i FINALLY PLAYED SOCCER(for 1 hour)!lol not bad skills still same teacher say no soccer in bb court so play bb in the end...=.=
Then go home chiong home took me 2 hours to finish...then maths the graph nid redraw like siao...2 hours haven even do finish but posting wtf?So i decided tommoro go do last minute work again!My art works below....

Quite ugly sia...=.-
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Zzz all my post gone...cox i changed the skin...then lost la...
Ai ya today sku quite fun cox no English...
After sku go Paradiz centre eat some sushi buffet...Wif Fredy, Zhen Cheng, Ken Tan, Chien Teng, Stanley, Jun Xiang, Sean, Lucas, Mark, Saw n justin....
Then go play arcade....but wear uniform cannot go in so i sneak in la i go from back door lor...
Then play Daytona...Then heng heng win Mark...Then go home la..Then walk wif Fredy and Zhen Cheng....Fredy wan buy bag....So we walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk....
Then go take 33 home....
Monday, April 16, 2007
Today English lesson first 2 lessons....Then stupid f***ing teacher ask me stand and face de freakin wall...I hate her sia she sux....Hope she get sacked...
Then gt Maths...Never do homework la sian i think tommoro go Detention again...
Then assembly c some china ppl play drums....not bad la i think i bttr tho lol...
Then suddenly everyone wan go play i just folo...then on the way my frens all ask me to lend them money...
Then not bad la got Double kill Triple kill...Beyond Godlike...(WTF mode...)But got 1 double kill is real screen....
Then go home take money pay ask my maid lend me money...
F*** her seriously....So i go cut,the hairdresser cut like shet...Then when she use some hair vacumm(WTf how to spell...)SHe do like so pain so i ask her AUNTIE KE YI LONG DA LI YI DIAN MA>...She realli go harder i was liek thinking GO HELL LA....
Then reach home my cousin dare me to rite some freakin msg on my msn nick...
i oso gt rite his la...
Then he tok to my fren...
Then i tok to his fren...
Then when my cousin typed " You horny?"
I wanted to type back...BUT HE FREAKING LOG OFF HIS FREAKIN ACCOUNT...BUT NVM....hehehehehehehehehehehheeghehehhehehehehehehheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehehehhe
I will have my revenge taken!....hmmm...wad shld i tok about nxt...
O sleep time....byebye
Saturday, April 14, 2007

today morning wake up beox kenneth call me ask me go sku play basketball...Then i reach sku at till like 8.40....Go Band....
Went tru alt songs...I played rainbow breeze-bells some slow march-bells oso...
then i tell garrett i wan play snare drum...then he play wif me lor...starting kip srewing up then play alot times can play le...xD
Then after tt we celebrated!Cox we gt gold many snickers....
Today dam fun...Fredy act wif me....He take picture wif me la...then i act tio scolded again he act scold me....xD
Then after tt go home lor...Then was like at home dunno wad to do...hais...wonder wad i shld do nxt...
Neway if u all gt Safari pls send me leh...the song so nice...
Friday, April 13, 2007
Today we went courtyard stand...Mr Kwok announce tt our band got GOlD...Everyone was like yay....
Then after tt go back class didnt feel like studying till Maths test which i didnt study...But...the test was easy n i do like so fast till left 15 minutes slp...MUahahahahahahhahaa
Then after recess go Science Lab i was poking the cardboard then one stupid Lab Helper ask me to pay her 50 cents...i was like WTF...i didnt care then just walk away....
Then after sku go play fun hahahahaha...byes...
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Today SYF!....WE go sku early in the morning practice like siao....saw my pathethic classmates doin
Then practice bar 7 like siao wif hui xiong...getting bttr le...then practice how bring instrument up stage...
then lunch time hole percussioon take the packet food to sec sku canteen i waited there for cleon's vegeterian rice...
Then 2.30 liao...SYF reachin...We move instrument up to bus then i stupid stupid bring the drums into de rain...tio scolded by Fredy....Zzz....
Then reach SCH....Look so cool...We went into the tuning room tune....(percussion cannot tune so skip this part)
Then percussion go backstage wait for Montford to finish performing...
Then finish le we shifted the instrument up stage...i freakin freaked out...hands kip shaking like siao..
Then start playin sunrise...hands continued to shake...sunrise not bad....
Then play With Heart n Voice..
Bar 1-ok
Bar 2-ok
Bar 3- MIssed the notes n faked
Bar 4- ok
Bar5- ok
Bar 6-ok(prepares for BAR 7 OMG BAR 7!)
BAR 7- YAY!(not bad la for myself...)
Then hole song parts totally suck....when i roll the Gong...NO SOUND COME OUT....Siao sia...
Finish peformance i tot its all over silver for sure le lor...
Jun Xiang cried....Hole percussion section stand there tok...then ask fredy hows our performance he say good...i noe he faking lor...
Then results comin out our conductor say tt silver this year is not bad...So i noe tt we will most likely get silver le...Then he picked 18 sec 4s n 2 sec3 majors to go n listen to the results...ONli 20 per sku allowed...
then when the gate opened...all chiong in then our teacher say still got space so We all stand at the gate outside wait then we managed to squeeze our way tru...
Then dam scary...Beginning no gold at all...
Then band 97 Montford sec- Bronze...
Then band 98 Maris Stella High-GOLD...
We jumped up then shout like siao....
After the end of the results we all chiong out kip shouting...SIAO tell u is like crazy i anyhow push ppl...then Fredy cried again...Jun Xiang oso then wa is liek SIAO!realli siao....
then go back dam zai today dam ZAi DAM ZAI!
We go back sku lor then pack instrument dam happy today...tho we lucky tio gold de....The End...bye bye?
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
TOMMOro is scared!We today wear our blazers tie long sh0es n socks...kinda hot sia?Then start band i screw up bar 7 as usual moved the bells out to practice...kanna scolded like siao...Fredy angry liao lor...then cry....Mr Kwok oso came...Told us a story....Make us belive we can maintain our gold...
After band hole percussion section went to tell Fredy sorri...Wanted play basketball but in the end too dark don wan...Hope tommoro don screw up n hope we get GOLD WIF HONOURS....^^
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
today i tio flu...kip basketball during recess using pull-up bar as the hoop...
After sku band...screw up solo...kip sneezing...nt me today...stay back after band to practice...^^
Monday, April 9, 2007
today was fun...instead of goin to the learning fiesta in sku....i n my frens stayed in class to play basketball, wrestling...counterstrike(wif rubber bands)...I had 3 scratches...and we oso had 3 videos taken ^^ Go youtube c pls... that just went to band band band...kanna scolded by Fredy then heard from cousin that Victoria got silver...(gold wif honours 2 yrs ago...)
Then go home use com....
no more liao bye.....