Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Just came back from band...
After band just now we played soccer...Totally owned ><
score was 6-2
Hehehhehehes scored 3 mark 1 nicholas chew 1
Hehehhehs so happy...It was like onli 15 mins...Den nick soo kick de ball all de way to pri sku...So we all go home
So i drop by at SingPost and Da Pao KFC...
Den on my way back...Some group of caucasiuan( however tts spelled) came towards me...They were all dressed up like some vampires...Wtf larh...Somemore there dam dark...No lights de...Den some small kids carrying pumpkin lanterns...N i was liek WTF?
Then they shouted HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!Trick or treat!!=)
den i rmbred today is halloween....
Den i at there...Look at them...Den i walk away ><
Why dont Singaporeans celebrate Halloween...Seems fun ><
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Lalalaas....Just came back just we were supposed to meet at 2 at Grandlink...But i was playing DOTA wif amos david me n jia xiang...So i was late...So i called Edwin n bluffed him tt i was at GrandLink...hahas...Den When reach there Winston wasnt there...So i n Edwin just played CS together...Hehehehehhehehehes Sniper owns =)
Then Churn hoe come...He played o2Jam wif me...All i can say is he friggin train at home...Lucky i nvr lose to him...Siao wan...Train so many songs...Play all normal x6...Crazy...Make me sight read...Eyes pain...
Then after tt Winston nvr come we go Singpost eat KFC...Edwin don wan share buddy meal wif Churn Hoe so churn hoe kip saying...Man u suck...Till we eat finish and decided to go back to play LAN again...Then Janson came...We played LAN together...I n Janson fight Churn Hoe n Edwin...Edwin was being used all the time =) Shadow Priest's Grave ><''
Den after tt we go SingPost again...this time eat Hawker Centre...Then after tt Janson n Edwin came my house...We played soccer...We train...First i n janson play around wif Edwin...He was supposed to intercept the ball..But obviously cant =)
then i n Edwin play wif janson...hahas...Still can i stay behind wait till janson get past edwin then i kope Janson ball...hahas ><
Then i solo Janson n Edwin...Hehes so around wif edwin den go past janson den shoot...Goal.....So many times =)
Edwin was dam noisy during the match...Kip toking crap...Lol...Then we played Basketball for a while....Then go my clubhouse sit there tok for like half an hour...Then they come up drink some water then they go home lor...
We set team for next week chalet...All i can say is my DEAD.........
Churn Hoe's Team:
Churn Hoe Winston Lee shuian Zi Quan
RoyJanson's Team:
Janson Yi Long Loi Jun kai
Chong Ren Sheng Yong
Jia Wei's Team: Jiawei
gerald Samuel Lee Edwin Marcus Thian
Green de i think veri pro =)
So...GG...Churn Hoe team all attack...Janson team Defensive...My team= Crap......
Ppl not used and most likely in the sub team = lewis..........
Hopefully we can hav so fun there =)
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Yo harlos im bored...Just came back...Had fun wif Ming Zuo eugene Dave J loh Wilfred n Lynus just now...Boredddddd....Looking for ppl to play DOTA WIF!hahas
Friday, October 26, 2007
Today was the last day Class 2C had their lessons together....It was a fun n exciting day as students heck cared Mrs Yak to create havoc in the class....
Ming Zuo brought his shorts to class for all of us to sign...HAhas....So below are some of out signatures...><
Lynus Signature:
Andrew...Extra Hahas...Asshole was written by some unknown guy...><
Wei Yang...Npcc freak....><
I dunno hu rite de...But c quite nice so i take this pic lor...Hahas
Michael's Signature...:
Amos Signature:
Mine ^^
Ming Zuo wearing the shorts...Lol...
Eugene Amos Mine n joshua's signature again...
Lol...Ming zuo sam pang n eugene...
Class Photo!!!(Nicer version!!!no nid wear tie!)
(top)FROM LEFT: Me gene J.loh Amos JoshuaPang Wilfred David Sam ANDREW
(Bot) FROM LEFT: Mingzuo Joshua Koh Nick feng Shervin
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Okay...This is my 100th post...
Tommoro last day wif 2C...hahas...So many frens larh...Did so many lame things together...
Wonder wad will happen next year...Tho i noe quite alot of sec 2s from this sku...But they were not as close as so many of my frens in 2C...Ppl like Jloh Eugene Dave Lynus Darrell Pang Joshua Koh Ming Zuo Amos Nick Feng Wilfred shervin....So fun to b wif dem all.....Always went out wif Joshua Koh Eugene Dave Lynus n j loh always gort so many lame things de...hahas...So sad to leave 2C....
Today we gort back out report wan say le...
den we stayed in class from 8 to 11...Den 11 go hall mass till 12...Den go home...
Den after sku we go Heartland mall to eat...We had pizza Hut....The bill was 110....9 of us...Lol....Amos me jervin shervin lynus jloh darrell n joshua koh....Den after eating i took cab wif lyns jer n sher to ang mo kio...Take 135 home...Den come home watch Naruto...Den i blog lor...>< hopefully tomoro i can go out....
Tommoros our last day as a class 2C ppl!!!!Lets play like we nvr played b4 tommor...WHEN WE CLEAN THE CLASSROOM....LOl...Wtf....hahas...Okaes Hopefully everyone can go out tommoro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Crap...Today we all went to MacRitchie Nature Reserve...So freaking lame...Waste time........N so muddy...My shoe dam dirty....Crap larh....GO dere do wad sia...Walk nia...11KM larh...Wth...So lame..........Hole group of us...Walk like siao...Just kip walking...Tok crap...Den suddenly rain for like...5 minutes?!Ahhhh tt sux......So freaking hot....Ahhhhhhhh
Den finally finish liao go bus dam song...So we seat there enjoy air con....Den didnt tok for dam long...Den suddenly I played Dance Floor Anthem on my hp...Den everyone started toking...MacRitchie sux....Big TIME......
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Today sku dam fun sia...Today went sku first 2 hours we were playin basketball...Stupid michael n his group of frens kip toking Larh den we cannort get to choose wad we wan to play...I WANTED SOCCER....Bloody hell...Then after tt 2c n 2h sayed back tio lectured by MR Chong... 1 hour n 20 minutes wasted...Left 40 minutes we played basketballl......
Den after recess me eugene lynus and darrell decided to stay in class...Becos we tot that the next 2 hours was gonna b even more boring...So we slacked in class...Talk for like 3 hours larh...
We talked bout pri sku life...Lynus n Eugene n J lohs music instruments...Wad we gonna do tommoro...What we gonna do during the hols...Lots Of crap...Dam stupid....Half way thru toking Kenneth suddenly opened the door dam loud...Den i stun...I tot teacher...Lol den i look at the door...In the end Kenneth walk in...>< lame....
Den Amos Nick Feng Joshua Pang Joshua KohMing Zuo J loh Jun Hui Jonathan Tan all come up slack...WTH man...More n more ppl...Then actually 12 shld go home de...In the end we tok to 12.30 den dunno why haven go home...Den we ask Nick feng they all go check why so long..In the End found out they tio punish...So we heck care stay in class tok even longer...
After sku went LAN...Ji dan...Darrelll they all pang seh us...Onli me sam pang n andrew went larh...
After LAN went to eat...Then bought some stuffs for the trip to MacRitchie tommoro...
I go hama le cya....
Monday, October 22, 2007
So i just came back from CineLeisure....
This Afternoon i took the freaking wrong bus larh...I took 33 instead of 16...Den i was like Wth???Bugis?!!Then in the end i smsed alot ppl ask them take wad bus...Den in the end i found out i took rong bus so i quikly chiong down to take mrt...Dam lame...Then i reach there Nick Feng Ming Zuo Joshua Koh n Lynus still haven reach cos they Still freaking playin Arcade at Douby Gaut...LOL....Sian...Then i just walk around...Den nothing much lor...Saw Marcus Thomas n their frens...Den met up wif the others in the end....
Watch Balls Of Fury... Quite lame...Onli like 2 parts make me laugh...Hahas those 2 parts were realli lame ok....><
Den after watching the movie went to play LAN...Saw Chang Jun, JYap and their Frens so we played DOTA together...Then the match was preety even...Match Was fun...Then after that played some CS...Den went to eat at Food Court then go home...
Waiting for someone TO HAMA wif me...Cmoon!!!!!!!!
DiD some lame quizzes since im sooo bored...
Boring......Ytd DOTA wif winston till like 12...All i can say is winston si bei pro...Cos he today gort sku....Still sleep so late...But he gort direct bus to victoria...So....><
Then ytd i slept at around 12.30 ba...Later Watching balls of fury!!!!
Kaes come back den i update again =.=
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Monday: No school
Tuesday: Sec 1 going Zoo...Dunno wad sec 2s doing...
Wednesday: Sec 2s going Macritchie...Sian....
Thursday: End of Sku Mass ( gonna b dam boring)
Yes...Next week dam slack...Holiday gonna reach liao...Den how...But no more 2C wor...Sad bo 2c ppl...Don like that say Andrew larhs...He oso 2C de...><...COMON....ANDREW~~~~~~~~~ Lol...Er den...Tomoro no sku...So anyone wanna go out wif me n nick feng n some other ppl? Finding Ppl to go wif us...Most probably watching movies...N dave n nick feng no nid quarrell over small things...Small things = DOTA...Lol wtf...Lame...2 Legends quarrelll Then HOW? Okaes pls sms me if u all wan to go out tommoro wif us =) Below gort one picture that we took wif winston!

Me, eugene, Darrell, Lynus, Amos, Dave, Jonathan Loh, Winston, Joshua Pang......
Rewatched Final Fantasy Advernts Children...Fighting dam cool....
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Dam bored...Today nothin much...Started playing Dare on MsN wif winston since 8 pm till now...I had to write i got GODLIKED by him on my pm...Sian...But the dares were kinda challenging...N i lost the scissors paper stone on MsN...Which means i hav to do 1 more dare than him...Sad....=(... xD
Playing Naruto on my DS...Nort bad im now a Genin...=)
Hahas some pics below....>< Random pics:NARUTO!!!

Lucky Star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:

....Nothing else to blog about...Dam bored...
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Sku was fun ytd...Cos all the periods slack...Then J loh Lynus n eugene all nvr come...Lol all pon de sia...>< Den after that watch some operah thingy...Veri boring...Then after recess gort a talk bout subject combinations...I listen like siao...I think i comfirm go 1 combine science...Shit...I die....Maybe if i can i wan 1 pure n 1 combine...Sian...
Den after sku we went to play LAN...Den i zao home...Play DOTA wif winston for a while...Den 5.45 le...Eugene call me...I diao...Forgot time...So i bluff him i outside...Then the door slam...Lol then he noe i at home...Lol...In the end take MRT to kallang...Darrell Andrew was there...Then i Eugene Kenneth Jonus Sameul Joshua Lynus all Late...So the hole group of us walk all the way to kallang indoor stadium...The stadium was dam cool...Hahas den i walk inside dam nice...Den after that found some seats...
When the match start liao...Ming zuo call me ask me how to walk there...He was still at kallang larh...Lol...Dam suay...So i tell him how to walk...Den Half time that time meet Ming Zuo n Joshua Koh...Ming zuo dam funny...When he came in he wave at a group of anglican students...He tot is us...Then after that the anglican ppl wave back...In the end we call him then he noe he wave at rong ppl...LOL....
During the match veri funny...We kept jokin around...Most funny wan is...When the commentator say...Lets welcome the four skus...Anglican High...then all shout...Pioneer sec...Den all shout oso...Den Maris stella...Everyone tiam tiam...Lol den Zong hua oso shout...
After the half time the commentator didnt bother calling our sku name again...Sian...
Singapore Slingers kept losing to the Melbourne Tigers larh...Den i tell Eugene wa lao i support Melbourne tigers liao...Then when commentator ask everyone shout defense when singapore nid defense that time i shout offense...Then play alot music larh...Including We will We will rock den we change the lyrics here n dere...><
Den after the match Me Sam Joshua Pang Eugene Darrell Lynus Shervin Jervin Joshua Koh Ming Zuo Kenneth Andrew walked all the way to kallang mac...Shervin saw free flow of drinks in KFC so all zao dere...Den after that in KFc tok alot oso...After that around 11.45 kenneth father bring me n eugene home...Some pics below....
Ming Zuo

The Singapore Slingers Warming Up...

The basketball court...Dam big sia...


The Melbourne Tigers...

joshua doing pumping on the

Lynus Sam Eugene Darrell n pang doing road block...

Biker ken and darrell

I took this pic in kenneth father's car...
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Heys...Long time no blog...Neway today went back sku...Then wrist was dam pain...hahas...Then had Pe lssons...We were asked to fill up some survey thing...Then we gort back our geography results...I gort 68!!!!!!Well done to myself!!!CLap CLAp!!!Then after recess Home Econs we slacked in class...Then chinese we gort back the papers i Gort 61...To me nort bad...Cos im 21th in hole klass...Hhaas =) then home econs i gort 72!!!!So no failures yet...But im scared of maths n literature tommoro!...Hopefully Mr tan Don walk into the class n say Then How...hahas kaes gtg bye...