Sunday, January 27, 2008
This week was pretty lame...
I gort into lots of trouble in sku...
Den Thursday was PE...B4 PE during maths lesson..
Rayson asked if i wan to go to his tuition..
Rayson:Jiawei wan come my tuition ma
Jiawei: where
Rayson: Learning lab
Jiawei: Where la
Rayson: Bishan
Jiawei: how much
Rayson: 900 plus per month
Jiawei: FREAK U
Rayson: lol...Or u wan go my another tuition
Jiawei: where
Rayson Bencoolen
Jiawei: where is Bencoolen
Rayson: Bugis...Must walk
Jiawei: How to walk...
Rayson: u pass by The place that gort jiang den cross road den reach le..i Will bring u
Jiawei: where the hell is Jiang
Rayson: Fulushou
Rayson: Jian is my last time de chinese tuition..
Rayson: So u wan come?
Jiawei: See first...............
Dam lame...Ask untill laugh like siao
i ask him for like half an hour...Of course gort more ques..But i keep asking him where is the place...N all the answer is bugis...Dam joke...I think u all dont understand...ONly me Darrell n rayson understand...=)
So......We went for PE...Ran 2.4 again...Must pass man...Den can go game modules le...
Den aaron ngoi all go cheat...Den we ran like some mf...Den reach pri sku gate around 13 mins...BUT WE KANNA lock out...So we wasted for god noes how long...till Eugene chee climbed inside n den we chiong up the slope..To reach mr chong at 18 mins + Den we tell him our long story he don belive...So we me rayson aaron and zhiyin ran again..Of course i cannort run liao la...So we cut thru cemetry...Dam scary...Gort alot barbed wires nid climb over...But kanna caught by MR CHONG...GG..
nothing much la...Other days lil boring...Becos of Detention..
But...Good news is...I finally have a PSP...~~
Monday, January 21, 2008
Recess was sucky today...Nick chew ask me folo him go find his soccer ball at the basketball court so i folo him..den he say ehhh Dennis koh...Den i stupid stupid walk out...He saw me...Den ask me go wait for him outside his room...Crapp...... So i kanna scolded by him he ask me go find him tommoro morning...Den nid go detention...Zzz
Den after sku...Met up wif BIRTHDAY BOY Lynus...
Me n J loh Went into 3D...Saw one hole big group of ppl dere... Lynus Ken Jeremy Sia Henry Javier Shaun Zhen Yang and Brandon...Sorry if i miss out anyone...
Den we crap around den go serangoon interchange...Slack there for 2 hours...Supposedly we were there to wait for Lynus Frens...BUt in the end he say they nort coming...So we at serangoon interchange for 2 hours...For nothing....
Den go take mrt..I kip asking Javier he going...Den he kip asking if i going...Den we were like asking each other thruout the hole trip...Den we dropped at Plaza Sing...Went to buy 11 Tickets to watch ONE MISSED CALL...J loh gort emo becos of some sad la...Lol...Cheer up man =)
Watch de show...GOrt freaked out again...Especially wif henry sitting on my left hand side...Shouting Walan eh...Den lynus whack me when i shouted....Den zhen yang n javier shouting at the other side like some gay...
After the movie we sang happy birthday in the cinema...
Den after the movie we go ask lynus sit at something tt i dunno wad its called nid put 1 dollar wan...Den we sing happy birthday againa...Den walked around den went home...lalala stupid detention tommoro...
3.30 to 4.30 cos of my tie n sku belt...
So i shall end my post wif this:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYNUS!!!!!! Sorry for nort buyin u any presents...
Monday, January 14, 2008
Today went sku was the same...Slept during Chinese lessons...cant focus during physics lesson...Den Maths was usual tried alot of questions...Den English gort test..Dam sian...Den RME
Den Assembly...One visually IMpaired girl came to our sku to play the piano and sing..Her singing was really good...
Den we go Singpost...
Ate KFC.. Me dave n gene shared family feast while mingzuo ate his meltz...
Den We went to mac to hav ice cream...
Eugene saw this girl opposite him...Den he say quite chio...So he go ask me n mz how to take number...Lol den we ask him write on paper den giv...Den Ming zuo say he buy large coke drink finish le he oso wont giv...If he giv he treat him drink...If eugene don giv he must treat mz meal...
Den gene kip sayin he dam scared den ask me help him giv...I say don wan malu...Den mz say he dun wan oso...Den gene kip hum ji...hum ji for god noes how long...He ask us giv him a pat on his shoulder...SO me n mz giv him 3 pats >.>
Den he say God pls gimme the courage..Den continue to hum ji....
Den after half an hour...Gene waved at the girl like siao...Den get her attention le mz take the paper n giv the girl..Den i n mz faster run out of mac...While eugene stayed in mac to tok to the girl..Den the girl's fren giv him her number...Den gene Faster zhao...
wahahhaa funny sia...Talked in mac for 1 hour...Nice one la...Tok bout some lame DOta things...Sibei funny den we go home...So here i m blogging!!!
JONUS wearing my specs...

Gene writing on the paper...Wahahaha

The paper!!!I help draw the smiley face..Mz provide permanent marker nvr thank us =)

Gene in Mac tokin to the girl...Girl kanna block...wahahaa

Sunday, January 13, 2008
cca maze today....Went to sku den the band performed at the canteen...
Den After band Played soccer wif Henry Ken Lynus Shaun Long Mark Lucas raymond Kevin Nicholas soo Shaun soh Jeremy sia Yue ning eugene chee and Jing wen...
Played for like 2 hours cannort tahan...den lucas still ask if wan play last match crazy guy...
Den foloed lynus henry and shaun long to Far east to go take their Carved belts...First time go far east sia..Looks so sucky man...Soo many shops..
Den Andrew met us at old chang kee den go heeren...Den we saw one bag behind the bus stop... then we kip sayin is bomb...Den go see somethings..Saw the watch that lynus wan us to buy for his bdae...Nort bad quite nice =) but is dam ex =)
Den go eat wanton mee...Saw some ex-marist...Den dunno wad we do...Den we walk to Sommerset...Wanted to walk to plazaSing...But dam sian so nvr walk dere le...Den go 7-11 buy drinks...Den walk back sommerset i take bus they take mrt...Go home...Lalas
n1 finished
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Phay and Wins

Group Photo...New friends made...Sihao nort inside

Wins on bus

Phay and me

Wins and phay again

Old pics:
Shervin and jervin at suntec

Me and shervin at suntec

So ytd winston and edwin came over to my house at 4.30...Den we played around wif my com for awhile den went to kembangan...When we reach Kembangan...I met my First new fren...Sihao!
Den reach Vivo le we go Arcade find wins frens...There i meet another 3 frens!!!Koon han Phay and Rueben!
Den We walked around for quite long to find something to eat...Wanted to eat buffet...But we couldnt find any...So we just anyhow eat at Some place called Terra....
Den after eating we went to douby ghaut play LAN...Me rueben n phay VS sihao wins and koon han....Phay and rueben say i can pick anybody cos 2 of them can win le .... >< Den we lost in the end..Den blah blah blah Den while walking back to mrt station...Rueben n phay arguement was dam joke...Me n wins laughing like some siaokia....Phay was like sayin...U think i gort mh arh can see everyone arh...Den kip pointing at his palm...Den rueben kip sayin alot of things...Dam funny... Den Reach vivo we went to find Janson! Edwin went home sadly... Den we all went to the third floor...Dam crowded...Cant do any shit..So we sat down outsite no signboard seafood restaurant to play Taiti~~~ Den taiti suddenly hear ppl shout 5 4 3 2 1...Den hole group of us just stand up...Phay dam joke again...Come happy new year us...hi 5 hi 5 hi 5 shake hand shake hand happy new year... den went see fireworks for a while...Den go 7-11...Someone kanna blood...Den Janson bought Gin...He bringing to his fren house...Den we oso buy... Den wins n his frens came over to my house...We were chionging for last train run run run...Den when we alight at city hall...We oso nid run...Everyone run dam funny...Den my Slippers DROP!...Den i go back take...Den i run all the way...Den mrt closing door tt time...I kanna block by someone at the staircase...So i missed the mrt...Lucky city hall de is nort last train...Den my hp no batt...So wins they all wait for me at outside my house there de 7-11 Den i lend hp from someone...Den when i went into mrt...I tot the person tt lend me his hp oso inside the mrt...Den i wave at him...In the end RONG PERSON.... Den after tt they go my house...PLayed Ace to the Face...Yuchen teach me den i teach em... Den played ome taiti den winning 11 ...Lost to nigeria using france...Sian!!!
den Dunno wad we do skip skip skip...Den wins go home...