More Pictures!!
Percussion Picture!!on stage...Where i Mark and Hui Xiong??(on the choir gallery!!Too late for the picture =.=)
Can see the brown wax dam clearly man...Gawsh!!

Fredy told us to take an act-cute goes =D

pose!!! Full Percussion section...No wyton and norman...
maris Stella Booklet!!(the book im holding!)

haha...this is Percussion main band...+ only alumni percussionist(SEAN KWEK) Lucas..stop eating la....
Saw still holding the COKE ZERO!
Mark look like got mohawk!


Percussion ROcks!!!
yesterday was our band CONCERT!!@ the Esplanade!!
Reached the esplanade at 9+
When we went to our DressingRooms...we were like...HOLY
$@%!^%#@^%#^@%#^@%@^#%^@#!!!Victoria (concert hall) SUCKS..
Then we went to explore...OUr rooms behind gort OWN TOILET DE...CAN BATH DE...But no lock...
Den we went to the stage... WAS DAM COOl...BLOODY HELL...ONce again... Victoria(concert hall) SUCKS!
den we went to slack in our dressing rooms...With our own PERCUSSION SECTION! while the other sections were at the tuning room...
We slacked for 1+ hour...And had lots of fun...Blasting music while offing the lights... Den we tried scaring ppl coming into the room...
We managed to scare jun xiang...and clement i think...
Then we went to practice our combine piece with CO...and then we practise our pieces...
Then it was 5.30 alr.... Went to eat...Then bath...It was already 7!!!!!!!! OMG!
Then everyone started styling their we used the COloured wax...
Waaaaa dammit...My hair gort screwed up.....................................................................................................................................................
but nvm...At least got colour =.=
So we waited for our time to perform...we went onto the stage at 7.45...
Den started to play play play...Den Intermission...
Went to meet Dave gene they all...
Den wait for our combine piece..finish combine piece le...Go home...REACH SKU 12!...Woah...Wth man...everyone tod last bus is at 12...but its actually at 1!!!!!! So only me jun xiang nic.soo and raymond went to eat...
den raymond no bus go home...So he slept over at my house...
Lastly... I wanna thank all the sec 4s for guiding me through this journey in band!!(lol)..
Especially HUI XIONG and Kevin!!!!
Thank you hui xiong for giving us Sectionals...Altho we are veri slacky sometimes...But u still managed to conduct sectionals =.=' And for teaching me maths in band...
Thank you Kevin for playin Soccer with us!!!
Thank you Jun xiang too For ur present..
Styling Huixiong's hair!

Norman was sitting on the table...When his elbow...landed right on top of a purple gatsby wax =.=

Dwayne me mark~

waaaa 4 sec-3 percussionist + dwayne and nick wu

The 4 sec.3 Percussionists!

Esplanade was fun...But 15 hours of band..Can be boring at times...
woah havent been blogging for god knows how long...
Ok...Sku was crappy and boring as usual... Maths was screwed up again...
during Chinese..Me and Rayson were talking...Den i asked him bout some games...
Den he told me bout a game called...Uja board..
Gawsh...Maybe some of u noe the game...Its dam scary man...
Den during recess...i went to crap around wif gene and nick feng...
We decided to go back to my class to watch darrell rayson kiki and zhiying play poker...
b4 i started my taiti...
Nick feng...Went to a website...He was like asking me to ask the thing a question
so i typed who is standing on the left hand side of Nicholas Feng...
And...the thing replied Jia Wei...
O my god...
Den we decided to ask lots of questions..
Den ask bout whos our skus discipline master..
They answered...
And den we asked alot of questions..
Like... wheres mas selamat..(which the answer is even freakier...)
The answer came out..
Kiki was reading it out...
Den j loh was
he showed us the colour of his boxers...And...We were like...#!@#!@#@!#!*)!!@#!@#
Den we all ran out of class..
DAM FREAKY GUYs...ITs real...Gawsh... Shall show it to my other frens...SCARY MAn...I swear its true..