Okay...Since i havent posted for quite a long time.This post is dedicated to all the 2C'07 peeps.
2C'07 was really very fun...Best class i ever studied together with.Always go out after school...Den we are always together in groups...Talk to each other also in big groups..Dam cool...
okay la..One by one.

okay..Dave and Eugene are 2 friends that always go out with me after school..I remembered When Eugene kept saying that always 3 of us..Den come to think of it...Really leh...Haha..Okay...Dave is like the onli councilor in our group...Congrats on getting the Treasurer post..And yea..Altho we kept saying your chinese sucks..And know only 4 words...Namely 他 妈的 茶..But you still trashed my chinese this term...I lost to you...haha...good jobYour a great friend :D

okay...Eugene is like Dave..Always go out with me after school..you were like a class joker la...I remember Last year when i always wanted to change place with WeiQi to sit with jonathan,Darrell and you...Den Jonathan, Me and you would start singing Stacy's Mom while doing homework..Rofl..Den we always kp Mrs Yak...We spent our Valentines Day together...lol..Wtf >.> Remember at Long John Silver?And we Watched the Maroon 5 concert together :D haha and i remembered how we met!!!I ask you wad school you from..You say TAO NAN..Den i was like..ooo im from Kong Hwa..Haha :D cool :D Lol...haha
okay la Your a great friend too :D
3.Jonathan Loh

Jon-a-pig!harlo...Good friends lor...Hmm I remember last year we fought in Mr Tan's class..And i was like hitting your ear...Den your ear bleed..Cause you pierced your ear...Wahahha...okay la...Good friends...We watched the Maroon 5 Concert together too :D veri nice hor :D
thx for allowing us to stay overnite at your house after that :D I met you because Mrs tan Changed your place 1 seat away from mine...So its 'fated' :D
Haha :D
Hi lynus...I would like to thank you Very very much...Because...You always teach me Science and Maths...And during exam...haha if nt i would have failed..okay i have failed... >.>
But i remembered the E maths exam this term..I called him den was like asking him to teach me Matrix ect. For like 1+ hour.. Den he say jiawei don fail hor if nort i veri sad..Den i say no la..Is i waste your time rite :D Den i passed my E Maths..thank you~
I also said your a bad influence...Cause...You..Smoke and drink and Pierce ear hole,pierce lip hole, pierce septum hole,and now want to pierce tongue(ok la tongue is nice)..Hha but altho you do this kind of things...You gort 100 marks for maths..And is like top 10 in class?haha gj...Very pro man you...Always ask us don study...In the end get top in class...this kind of zhao...Quite uncommon...>.<>
Haha..thx :D
5.Jervin and Shervin

Okay..you 2..Are really cool twin brothers..Good in Soccer and Basketball...One likes Man U and another likes Liverpool...But both like Kevin Garnett...Wahahhaa...both national basketball players..Pro liao lor :D
Okay..shervin is getting lamer every day...>.>Dunno wads wrong with him...Serious Lame guy...
jervin is liking his hair more every day..Lol...so funny(you noe wad hor? :P) lol.. 2 of you always Go out oso on de...haha..Remember every time we stay overnite at someones house..3 of us plus some ppl would kick a soccer ball on the road around 3am to 7-11 or mobil and suddenly one of us would kick into some people's house...Lol... :D
Okay..Wish you guys would get better and better in basketball and go play for some USA team >.> den u 2 will remember me..Den give us tickets to watch u all play... >.>haha
6.Joshua Koh

hahaha Joshua koh :D the last week that i was staying at Kovan..We had breakfast lunch and dinner together like siao...And we had so much fun over at your house..Can Dota for 2 days :DHaha...Thx for sending me so much songs...like 4 minutes :D and Outta my outta my head~~ and esp Avril Lavinge's-The best damn thing!! okay...Outdated...
haha...you were like a great friend for the past week :D We often Dotaed together so...yea haha :D
7.Nicholas Feng
Wooohooo Nicholas Feng!!!You Gambler!!!So superstitious...But afterall you also win money...So...yea its cool :DYea your Dota veri pro :D Altho i dissapoint you alot with my lousy playing~ you still forgave me :D thankyou!!! I remember that time CHinese New Year..Me and you hid at the staircase...For very very long...:D then we started taking lots of pics...Den we saw Darrell,Wilfred and joshua koh hiding oso..
Your a great friend :D Please go out more often with us...Go out with you veri fun!
8.Ming Zuo

Haha...okay...Your a tall guy...Basketballer of course..hmmmmmmmmm......always go out with us..Den me and you always go home together..Haha yea...kinda cool huh?and your valentines day story was so cool :D haha yea..Jiayou on your basketballing!! :D
Haha Kenneth!!!So cool...Always ask u go out......Dunno why...We are still friends!Okay la...haha...>.> Dunno wad to say...Poser...biker...!!
Cool guy la :D finally went out with you this year..Haha...pro Dota player lor :D
you gort emo one day...>.> you say one girl say you ugly..WHERE GOT...So cute >.>
haha :D
haha...basketballer also...okay la..you nort 2C...but can write you also mah :D
We had fun at jk house together :D yeppes..We browse thru lots of ppl's profile on friendster during the stay over...And we were having so much fun >.<
okay...Stay pro :D your basketball veri pro :D
Haha..Wilfred is so funni..Always gort some weird actions...Lol..Okay la..Veri pro dota player oso... :D i hate your brother tho..tell him that for me thx :D younger one..
13.Joshua pang(Pang zhi chao!)

haha.Pang ah pang..Where are you..this year nvr go out with us le..We miss you man :D Jiayou...Why u nvr study wan...Heard your maths last term 2/100 this term 3/100...improve ma..:D jiayou!!!14.Samuel Yeo

Haha Samuel..Serious Sam..Haha Always go out with us also :D veri cool arh u..So pro at basketball :D
14.Darrell Lee
Haha Same class for 3 years alr...:D Stay cool...Haha :D
Okay la...That's the end..So LONG the post...haha...Okayy Enjoy reading guys :D
I miss you all 2c'07 PEEPS :D