thanks wince for helping me make the template for my class seriously ROCK.
Hey guys! My com is Down.and im using my mom's laptop to update.
First Day of SchoolWas Okay...Had many new teachers who are HODs.Aha..4J might become the best class!(lol wth am i thinking about -,-)
Hmmm nothing much and miss latha is now our new Form teacher!
Taiwan Trip!(21st dec to 1st jan)Wahaha!Taiwan was so fun and boring! First 3 days were shopping shopping and shopping...Which was like so bored..Cos winter time all long sleeves shirt...
Went to some place called Dan Shui on day 2 i guess..It was raining so we had MISTER DONUT dere..And we went back all the way to another place to shop...
The other days were ok..
Liked the 5th/6th day..When i went out wif my mother's fren son...We went out till 1 plus at night after walking around XiMenTing(some place near our hotel in Taiwan)..We wasted 1 hour finding our way back to the hotel cos its was dark.
Oh yea..Did i mention...We saw Felicia Chin at Taiwan Airport! We took the same plane from SG to Taiwan!
And also...When we were checking in at taiwan airport before going back to SG...Our luggages were 28.1kg overweight...So we had to pay $500! but......... I saw my primary school friend..Lee Shuian!! It was so shocking dat when i saw him, my cousin tod i was joking...Thanks to Lee...We didnt need to pay the money and he helped us as his luggages are not overweight! Thanks Lee!
TPJC band fest and ConcertFirst we had Masterclass wif Mr.Tamagoh...Who was damn pro at the drumset...
He played so many different kinds and style of rythms..It was so interesting...Nic Soo was the only mshs drumset player whereas the other schools have so many players >.<''
Met Mark and Nic Soo every morning at around 7 at heartland mall b4 going to tpjc together...(was staying at my cousin house).
Had some lectures dere...
And finally concert day! I screwed up alot...and sound of music...I didnt even noe what i was doing =.=
Our school finished the concert and went to find some friends like Amos, Caile....
Watch the Alumni band perform wif tpjc..What a pity me and saw didnt play for dem =[
Went back to MSHS and went to eat wif lucas saw mark nic soo dwayne fredy jun xiang(and lots of other ppl..Cant rmbr sorry!)
Was rushing...Cos we only had like 30 mins to eat b4 the last bus the end i caught the last bus with mark and we went home........
TPJC masterclass with Mr.Tamagoh with ChongBoon Sec, St Anthony Cannosians,St Gabriel Sec,Maris Stella and Tampanis Junior College

Will upload more pictures...Once i have the time to...Cos My Computer has Officially been Spoilt for one month..And its BU NENG JIU LE... So Yep..Using my mom's laptop occasionally for MSN..MSN only..
Hmm....Wont be online as often as last year since my com is Spoilt..
New Year resolutions-Hmm...Get 6 points for O-Levels(LOL)
Try to get A1 for E.Maths
Try to get A1 for A.Maths(GG comfirm cannot)
Try to get A1 for Geography
Try to get A1 for English
Try to get A1 for Chinese
Try to get A1 for Combined Science(GG comfirm cannot)
Try to get A1 for Combined Humans(GG quite hard)
All above applies to O-Levels..
I shall end this post by wishing Darrell Good Luck for his Qualifying test for Geography tomoro!!