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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Met nf,gene and mz at kembangan mrt at 10.15(we weren't late!) errr...
Den took mrt all the way to vivo. Crapped around. Eugene said he was iron man, wth -.-?
Reached vivo ON TIME(11). First time the EAST-SIDE is on time while the organiser and his north-east side ppl were not on time(Dave,jloh etc.)
went to candy empire to crap around. Like crazy -.- smashed a packet of chocolate into a basket not realizing that there's a camera there untill afterwards -.-
and den went to food court for brunch.
Left for sentosa at around 11.30...

When we arrived there we went to a shop to buy the beach volleyball, frisbee and stuffs.
Wore mingzuo's freaking cool sunglasses which were meant for girls -.-
took an east side photo.

Left for the beach. Played rugby, captains ball, frisbee.
Jk Sher jer and Wilfred arrived late. We played around with the ball and frisbee.
Accidentally kicked the ball at Wilfred. Thus, starting a war.
Wilfred threw wet sand on me. And den went to swim. Lifeguards Asked us to stay away from the bridge after we tried to climb up.

Did lots of stupid things like burying jloh and Wilfred in sand.
Running in the rain with Wilfred to take my shirt.

After that went to carls jr.
And then to a place at vivo dunno where. Where all of us talked about LIFE! Wthhhhhhhhhh! Haha.
Loved the memories!

After that went to jk's house with Wilfred.
Left for home in the morning...

Had pizza hut ytd!!!! It's been so long since I had pizza -.-

results tml.:)
probably meeting nf,gene and mz for breakfast first.
Ok, gtg. Byebye!

for breakfast first. Ok. Gtg. Byebye!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010


The first few days were like seriously boring because I went back to visit the places I visit 2 years ago(2008).
But the last 2 days were okay because of the SHOPPING! :)
missed band camp and 2C dinner. Booooooo.

New year's eve!
Went to Cathay with guess who......
Winston and Edwin.
Had sizzlers for dinner.
Made dem watch Alvin and the chipmunks wif me :D
took mrt to kembangan after that for prata!
-thanks Edwin for the x'mas present!!(John mayer's album!) <3, will pass u urs soon!-

The day Lynus went abroad to study :(
went to vivo in the morning. It's sooooo long since I've seen Darrell and Aaron :)
went to arcade where me and Darrell wasted loads of money on the Stackers game. Stupid mannnn. We nearly got the ps3!!!! =/
After that stoned for awhile, did some stupid things. Blah blah blah

after that went to the airport... Reached super early but lucky another Marist(mark chew) was about to go overseas to study too. So we went there to extra.
Wasted time till 8.30 where all the ppl who's gonna send Lynus off came.
Chatted wif the 2C clique after so long.
Joked around.
Finally Lynus came.
Went to him and spoke to him
told us some really meaningful stuffs :)
and den hugged us one by one and left :(

to Lynus: really like to thank you for being my friennddddddd. Thx for being retarded at times, and coming up wif stupid ideas like going to geylang to eat tauhuay, and eat black pepper crap and mee sua. Thx for teaching me maths! I rmbr u failing it while I passed mine. We were like WTF?! Thank you for coming up wif stupid Nicknames like pigface. Thank you for scolding me when I get too retarded at times -.- thank you for always arriving late when we meet. Thank you for Always taking cab wif me. Thank you for lunching after school wif us sometimes. Yeaaaaa. Thank you for EVERYTHING!
Have a pleasant studying-trip there! :D

to 2C: Dave called me just now to organise 2C outing. Like Lynus said: stay together as a clique :)
all of us are losing touch mannnnnn!!!! Can we go out this Friday? :)
who's not free?!!!! Ok maybe u guys are not reading my blog le -.-
I think I SMS u all. LOL.

Ok gtg bye!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


reached sku at 4.45 and went to staff room 2 where we are supposed to meet mr suresh there. In the end, he didn't turn up and I went to class. Walked into class and saw miss Aida with makeup! Haha, looks so different with her makeup on man. Played some cards with kiki, Darrell and Zhi ying.

Soon we went to the hall. Sat on some table which has like lots of ants on it? But changed my seat wif boonkiat. Hmm, then took some photos with 2c. Den alot alot alot of videos. And den take certificate.

Aft that, time to eat. Ate a lil, and then went around taking photos with the teachers! Couldn't find mrs yak. Had photos taken with mrs tan, miss Aida, 2 photos with miss foo, 2 photos wif mr kwok, photos with mr koh, mr Chong, miss lee shiao pey, mr wu. Really enjoyed the part when Nick Feng took photo with miss Carolyn goh man. Lol!
Miss goh: what's ur name?

aft that took more photos outside the hall.
And off we went to tian Fu for steamboat!went wif 2c and all 9 of us chatted like crazy. Shervin was super funny. Lynus and Eugene were like bastarding each other. Wilfred, Joshua Koh and Dave kept asking us to order food. And Jon loh and nf kept asking "baby" for water. Lol baby!
Own. I had lots and lots of fun with u guys man :D

Took a photo and I went home -.-"

this would be a dam short holiday man.
Tml(actually later.)-soccer wif 6/3 and marists!
Thursday- FAS soccer competition, alumni band, kenneths bday party.
Friday-FAS soccer competioon.
Saturday-alumni band.
Sunday-piano, grandmother house
Monday-soccer,alumni band(I guess?)
Tuesday-off to Thailand(with band) :D

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Goodbye, Maris stella high school!

It's our last day today! Rushed to school and had to chionged for morning assembly. Everything went on as usual. Finally, it was time for us to sing the school song. As the councilor said"chang xiao ge". Morgan and all the other sec 4s went really wild! After singing the school song, someone upstairs shouted "EnCORE!" and we sang it for a second time. :D lessons went on as usual, and it was finally after recess. All the sec4s gathered in the hall for a fairwell party where the teachers sang for us. The time in the hall was shorter den normal, and we were soon back in class. Miss latha and miss Aida said their final words to us.. We all took a final photo as 4j. And den tada! Goodbye Maris Stella high school :D

went to the front porch after that to find 2C. We all gathered and while waiting for ppl from 4E. We saw many many 1C and 2C teachers.(mrs yak, mr tan, mrs Mandy tan and madam lim!) as usual we tried to piss off mrs yak, by standing in front of her car. Nt allowing her to drive off. But we gave in when she gave the " f off" stare.mr tan,mrs tan and mdm lim all gave us best wishes for our exams. Soon we met up wif the 4E ppl and off to Cathay we go.

Venue:dhoby ghaut mrt
people who attended: me, Dave, Nicholas Feng, Wilfred, Nicholas wu, Andrew, Ming zuo, weiyang, Shervin,Kenneth,David, Eugene, Lynus and jonathan loh.

We went to plaza sing to have our lunch first. They all went to carls jr at ps but me mz and Andrew went to buy tix for all of the others. While buying the tix. Me and Mingzuo found a phone!(omnia). Obviously being marists, we returned the phone to the owner.(exact details will not be revealed!)

So, I went to buy my favourite peach tea from my favourite stall and sat at my favourite place in Cathay. We sat down, and soon got lazy. So 3 of us decided to sit down to watch SNSD videos. Mingzuo showed us videos of dem and we started discussing about them. Then we watched a Korean variety show called family outing which has hyori in it. So we sat there for 1.5 hours watching Korean shows...

And dn time for movie! Phobia2! Omg. Lol starting was quite ok. Th ending was lame. Nt bad la the show. Okok only.

And den dinner! At hong kong cafe. Began talking about 2c chalet.

After that LAN! Soooooo damn long nvr play DOTA! Had an hour long of dota. And den went home wif Eugene and nf.

Tml, studies will come first! Let's go. 18 more days. L1r5 < 15 gogo!!
Beatles!-in my life :D
There are places I remember! All my liiiife and some have changed. Some forever not for better.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

-it's a long and winding road-

it's been a short 4 years. I remember when I was in sec1. Where everyone started making frens wif each another. How Lynus dao-ed me on the first day, how I got to know everyone in school. Regardless of how, band or wad. I've made really alot and alot of friends. This 4 years had went pass too fast. Too fast. ;(

3 years ago- we were all still so youngggg
2 years ago- sec2 camp(sneak out of hall in middle of the night go bath and sleep in classroom, titans, ponning absailing and Rockclimbing and shit.)(how we made jk cry.)(when mz brought his shorts for us to sign, we didn't notice how close we were to leaving mshs!)
1 year ago- new class, new friends.
4th and final year- olevel, olevel olevel.

My 4 years in mshs is gonna end tomorrow.goodgame-
goodgame and goodbye my friends and buddies. It was such fun when we created lots of trouble for the school(teachers). Talk about leaving behind a legacy. Wahahaha.

As we all sing our school song for morning assembly tml. It will be our final school song together. So touching. :(

Alright cut the crap, beatles own man, hey judeeeee don't be afraid, sing a sad song! nvm, I will resume blogging. So
pls, pls pls help me revive my blog. Tag pls :D

Tml 2C outing. See y'all front porch after school!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Time to start studying like mad..

Friday, April 24, 2009

Lucas Zacharias says:
i can slack alr, haha

u got do anything meh?

other than giving out blazer


jk (:

Lucas Zacharias says:
haha, stuff i do you don't need to know

Lucas Zacharias says:
just know that without me you guys will DIE!!!

eh alumni will die without u?

Sawxy says:
yea sure

Lucas Zacharias says:
i'm the heart of the band lol

then fredy should invite you soon

Sawxy says:
then im the god of band lor

ya lor

non-alumni member

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:
talk about

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:
the most fun time

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:
u ad

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:
had in band

Lucas Zacharias says:
lol, esplanade la..

Lucas Zacharias says:
like wtf, we're super slack

Lucas Zacharias says:
and i hv a solo wif saw!!

Lucas Zacharias says:
haha, i don't see the alumni mallet player having a solo..

Lucas Zacharias says:
tsk, haha...

Sawxy says:

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:

Sawxy says:
but solo we should throw stick lor

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:
i have

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:
la stupid

Sawxy says:

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:

Sawxy says:
but the ost fun time

Sawxy says:
i think

Sawxy says:
is 2007 syf

Sawxy says:
where we really happy with a gold

Lucas Zacharias says:
rumble got wylo meh?

Lucas Zacharias says:
i don't think its important that's why ppl don't care lol

Lucas Zacharias says:
haha, jkjk..

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:
kk la

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:
i tink most fun

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:
is me and saw

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:
go alumni competition

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:

Sawxy says:

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:
sian too bad

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:
nvr go leh someone

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:
who arh?

Sawxy says:
hiazz lucas

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:

Lucas Zacharias says:
your mum is it??

Sawxy says:
hiazz *cough lucas *cough*

Lucas Zacharias says:

Lucas Zacharias says:
super tired..

Lucas Zacharias says:
tmr i must serilsut pia alr

Lucas Zacharias says:
i sleep first..

Lucas Zacharias says:
nights guys

Lucas Zacharias has left the conversation.

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:


Sawxy says:
he scared

Sawxy says:
we suan him sumore


Lucas Zacharias has been added to the conversation.

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:
talk leh

ジア ウェイ has updated his blog at [www.soccer-wiz.blogspot.com FINALLY!] says:
pia what


Sawxy says:
wt lucas

Sawxy says:
who say wan go sleep??

After the sec4s pass out of band, Lucas still being suan. LOL!

omg really?

Lim Jia Wei
19 August 1993
Ex Kong Hwa Now Maris Stella Sec

Shawn Johnson!
Selena Gomez!
Kristen Stewart!
Watching Movies
Nothing,im cool with anything,muahahahahhaa(siao)

